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Scratched turntable dust cover

How to repair a scratched turntable dust cover

What will we need?

Wet and dry sanding paper

Wet and dry sanding paper
Wet and dry sanding paper

Wet and dry sanding paper in various grits, depending on the depth of the scratches. In our case it’s really just surface scratches, so starting at grit 600 or 800 should be sufficient. We chose to go up to grit 2000, but going up to a even higher grit will yield better results.

A sanding block

Sanding block
Sanding block

A large flat sanding block that’s also water resistant. A small sanding block, or block that is too flexible will cause your sanding to be uneven.

A spray bottle and/or garden hose

Spray bottle
Spray bottle

We are going to wet sand, so we use a spray bottle to keep the surface wet while sanding. It’s best to sand outside, because this is going to make a mess, and you don’t want to have the dust in your house or garage. You can also use a garden hose, this is easier when you have to clean the surface between grits.

A set of Novus Plastic Polish

Novus Plastic Polish
Novus Plastic Polish

When we’re done with sanding, we will polish the surface with Novus Plastic polish. In this case we will use only #1 and #2, but #3 is always good to have for other uses, and it’s cheaper if you buy them as a set of 3 instead of individually.

A good car wax and applicator

One Grand Blitz Wax
One Grand Blitz Wax

When we’re done with out work, we are gonna protect the surface with a coat of good car wax. Don’t cheap out on wax. Don’t use “cleaner wax”. In our case we used One Grand Blitz wax. A great carnauba wax that we use on pinball machines, but it’s also great for use on your car, and a jar will last you a long time.

Soft and non-abrasive cleaning and polishing cloths

Microfiber cloths
Microfiber cloths

Get some soft and and non-abrasive cloths to apply the Novus, and to buff out the wax. It’s good to have a lot of these on hand, because you will need a different cloth for each application, and you will need to use a new one if you accidentally drop one on the floor.

A solid base to rest the dust cover on

Dust cover ready for sanding
A solid base to rest the dust cover on is important

You need to properly support the dust cover while sanding, with something that won’t scratch the inside (I guess you don’t want to have to remove scratches from the inside as well, do you? 🙂 ).

Next page: The process >>

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